Our Services
General Steel Fabrication
H&H fabricates a wide range of steel structures according to your design or using our own engineers. Our Team can engineer and fabricate a wide variety of steel structures utilized by the oil and gas industry, including work barges, mooring and anchor buoys, high-pressure piping, manifolds, decks, drilling rig modifications, skips, baskets, anchors, and other structural forms. H&H also provides custom steelwork to the mining industry, including conveyor trestles, dump hoppers and chutes, excavator buckets, and dump truck bodies.
Tank Manufacture
Manufacture and Erection: H&H leads in the area of field-erected tanks, offering a variety of options, including wash, skim, concentrator, open, self-bundled, domed roofed, and floating roof tanks in various sizes ranging from 5,000 liters to 250,000 barrels. We also provide truck-mounted, skid-mounted, high tower, and pressure vessel options. Our tanks can be shop-fabricated or field-erected, and we utilize a Jacking System to maintain our leadership in this area.
Precision Machining & Pre-Fabrication
H&H’s fully equipped Machine Shop provides precision machining services as well as component refurbishment. With our wide range of lathes, milling machines, and other specialized machining tools, we are able to build or repair parts and components to our clients’ specfications. Additionally, H&H has a variety of processing and prefabrication equipment, including hydraulic plate shears, presses, automated plate profiling/cutting and bevelling equipment, as well as plate rolling machinery.
Manpower & Equipment Hire
We work directly with oil and gas exploration and development companies, or through specialist companies serving the oil industry. Our highly experienced Teams are registered to work offshore and operate under the most stringent safety regulations. We also provide equipment for use onshore and offshore as required by the companies we work with.